Tap the menu button in the upper right corner of the list and select "Export list":

Select the desired app icon:

Please note that only non-purchased products can be sent. So, if all the products in the list you would like to send are purchased (crossed-out), the list will not be sent.

Also note that if you send a list via sms using a device that supports iMessage only (iPad, for example), you cannot use it to send an sms to a non-iOS-based device. For example, you cannot send a list by sms from your iPad to an Android-based smartphone. This happens because iPads do not actually send regular text messages.

If you would like to send a list by sms from your iPad to iPhone but the Message button is inactive, it means you need to enable and setup iMessage on your iPad. You can do it in the settings of your device -> "Messages" section.

If you would like to send a list by email, but get "No Mail Accounts" message, that means your mail account on this device is disabled or not configured. Please open the "Settings" menu on your device, proceed to "Mail, Contacts, Calendars", find the "Accounts" section, tap "Add Account" and configure your mail account there.

When you send a list, the person, who receives the list from you, can either just see the list of products or import it into his/her copy of the Buy Me a Pie! app. When one receives a Buy Me a Pie! list from someone in the Facebook messenger, one can import it to the app by clicking on “Reply” in the message.

Please note: sending a list does not mean your list will get shared between your and your chatmate accounts in the Buy Me a Pie! app. Both of you will have the same list, but the changes, made by one of you in this list, will not appear on the device of the other.